How to Hula Hoop: 3 Simple Steps (For Beginners)

How to Hula Hoop 3 Simple Steps (For Beginners)

Do you want to learn how to hula hoop and lose weight? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will teach you everything you need to know about how to hula hoop for beginners. We will discuss the benefits of hula hooping, how to choose the right hula hoop, and how to get started. We will also provide a few tips on how to stay motivated and stick with it! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

How to Hula Hoop - Step-By-Step Guide

These are the steps we are going through to learn hooping:

  • stand inside the hoop
  • hold the hoop and swing it
  • move your hips

Stand Inside The Hoop

Stand Inside The Hoop Happylifeguru

The most basic way to hula hoop is by standing inside the hoop and keeping it up by moving your hips in a circular motion.

To start, stay with your right foot and left foot about shoulder-width apart inside the hoop. Place the hoop around your waist so it’s resting on your hip bones.

If the hoop is too low, it will fall down; if it’s too high, you won’t be able to move your hips properly.

Tip for beginners: lean forward if it is easier for you. If you get more experienced, you can make your spine straight and core muscles firm.

Hold The Hoop and Swing It

Hold The Hula Hoop and Swing It Happylifeguru

The second thing you need to do when learning how to learn waist hooping is to hold the hoop correctly.

If you don’t hold the hoop correctly, you won’t be able to keep it up and you’ll get frustrated. To hold the hoop correctly, grip it in your dominant hand and let it hang down by your side.

Then, swing the hoop up and over your head so that it comes down around your waist. The key is to keep your arm straight and not let the hoop touch your body.

If you want to, you can swing the hoop clockwise. I personally like hooping the hula hoop counter clockwise. But you can also swing the hoop in the opposite direction or same direction like me.

Remember: the first spin is the most important one.

Move Your Hips

Move Your Hips Happylifeguru

The most important thing to remember when learning how to hula hoop is to move your hips. This is what keeps the hoop spinning around your waist. If you don’t move your hips, the hoop will eventually fall down. And nobody likes a falling hoop, haha!

So, how do you move your hips when hula hooping? It’s actually quite simple. Just rotate your hips in a circular motion, and the hoop will follow. It is like a hoop firmly when you got it. The key is to keep your hips moving the entire time and keep the hoop up everytime.

One of the great things about hooping is that it’s a low-impact exercise. This means that it’s easy on your joints and muscles, and it’s also a great way to lose fat. In fact, hula hooping can help you burn up to 600 calories in just 30 minutes.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and easy way to lose weight, hula hooping is a great option. And, it’s a lot easier than you might think. Just remember to keep your hips moving, and you’ll be a hula hooping pro in no time.

Check this post to get an overview of the best weighted hula hoops. These weighted hula hoops are very good for losing fat, trust me!

Benefits of Hula Hooping

Hula hooping is a great way to get some exercise while having fun. It is also a great way to relieve stress and improve your coordination. Additionally, hula hooping can help you to tone your muscles and lose weight. Here are the benefits of hooping listed:

  • Hula hooping is a great way to get some exercise. You can burn calories and tone your muscles by hooping.
  • It can help you to improve your coordination.
  • Hooping is a great way to relieve stress.
  • It can help you to lose fat.

How to Choose The Right Hula Hoop - Buyer's Guide

These are the hoop details we are going to talk about in this buyer’s guide:

  • hoop size
  • hoop weight
  • type of grips
  • tubing size

Let’s get started right away!

Hoop Size

When you are starting out, it is important to find a hoop that is the right size for you. If the hoop is too big, it will be difficult to keep it up. If the hoop is too small, it will be difficult to get it going.

You want to find a hoop that is about the same size as your waist. This will give you the best chance of success.


There are a few ways to test if a hoop is the right size. The first way is to stay in the middle of the hoop and see if it comes up to your waist. If it does, then the hoop is a good size for you.

Another way to test if a hoop is the right size is to hold the hoop in your hand and see if you can put your arm all the way through it. If you can, then the hoop is a good size for you.

The last way to test if a hoop is the right size is to put the hoop around your waist and see if you can reach around and touch your fingers together. If you can, then the hoop is a good size for you.

Hoop Weight

Hula Hoop Weight Happylifeguru

Now that we talked about the hoop size, the hoop weight is also very important. The weight of the hoop will determine how easily the hoop will rotate around your waist. A heavier hoop will require more energy to keep it going, while a lighter hoop will be easier to keep going.

If you are a beginner, I would recommend starting with lighter hoops until you get the hang of it. You can always move up to a heavier hoop once you get more confident.

There are two main types of hoops: polypro hoops and wicking hoops.

Polypro Hoops

Polypro hoops are made of plastic and are the most common type of hoop. They are typically lighter weight and cheaper.

Wicking Hoops

Wicking hoops are made of metal or wood and are heavier. They can be more expensive, but they will last longer.

When you are first starting out, it is important to find a hoop that is the right weight for you. If you are unsure, you can always ask someone at the store for help. Once you find a hoop that is comfortable for you, you will be on your way to hula hooping like a pro!

Type of Grips

There are three main types of grips for hoops: overhand, underhand, and mixed. Each grips have its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs.

Overhand Grips:

The overhand grips are the most common grip for hooping. It’s easy to learn and provides a good amount of control.

Underhand Grips:

The underhand grips are less common, but it’s great for beginner. It’s easy to learn and provides a good amount of control.

Mixed Grips:

The mixed grips are the most advanced grip. It’s difficult to learn and requires a lot of practice. However, it provides the best control and can be used for a variety of tricks.

Once you’ve chosen the right grip for you, it’s time to learn how to hula hoop!

Tubing Size of The Hula Hoops

Tubing Size Happylifeguru

Before you buy a hula hoop, it is important to determine the right tubing size. The diameter of the tubing should be about four inches wider than your waist.

If you are unsure about the size, it is better to err on the side of larger hoops. You can always trim down the tubing if needed. Once you have the right size hoop, you are ready to start hooping!

Final Words

How to Hula Hoop 3 Simple Steps (For Beginners) Final Words Happylifeguru

As you can see, hula hooping is not that difficult! The hoop dance is not only easy, the hula dance makes also a lot of joy!

You haven’t got a hula hoop yet? What are you waiting for? Check this post for the best weighted hula hoops!

Let us know in the comments below if you learned how to hula hoop! And let us also know if you know fire hooping!

Happy hooping!

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