How To Ride A Skateboard (Beginner’s Guide)

How To Ride A Skateboard (Beginner's Guide) Happylifeguru

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you want to learn how to ride a skateboard. That’s great! Skateboarding is an incredibly fun activity, and it’s a great way to get some exercise too. In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps that you need to take to learn how to ride a skateboard. We’ll talk about how to position your body, how to jump on and off the board, how to push, and how to ride fakie. We’ll also give you some bonus tips that will help make learning easier! So let’s get started!

What Are The 6 Steps on How To Skateboard For Beginners?

In this blog post, we are going through the following six steps:

  • Put your skateboards on the ground
  • Put your feet in the right positioning
  • Jump on and off
  • Lean forward and backward
  • Start learning how to push
  • Learn to ride fakie

So stop talking, let us directly go for it!

Put Your Skateboard on The Ground (Grass)

Put Your Skateboard on The Ground (Grass)

To start skateboarding, it is important to put your skateboards on a patch of grass when you are first learning how to ride. This will help you get a feel for how the board moves and how your body needs to react in order to stay balanced.

You should also try to find a patch of grass that is not too bumpy or uneven. This will make it easier to stay balanced and keep the skateboards from getting caught on something and throwing you off.

Once you have found a good spot, it is time to put your feet in the perfect position for you.

  • Place your skateboards on the ground in front of you.
  • You’ll want to be on a level surface, so if you’re practicing on your driveway, make sure the board is placed evenly on the ground.
  • If you’re on a hill, find a spot that’s not too steep.

Put Your Feet In The Right Position

Put Your Feet In The Right Position Happylifeguru

When you’re first starting out skating, it’s important to make sure that your feet are in the right positioning. This will help you balance and stay on your board, and make it easier to control. Here’s how to do it (I used my right foot position, so don’t get confused, you can use whichever foot is good for you):

  • Stand in the middle of the board with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your knees slightly and step forward from your ankles, keeping your upper body straight.
  • Put your front foot (left foot) in the middle of the deck and your back foot in the center of the tail.
  • Now that you’re in the right positioning, it’s time to start learning how to push with the pushing foot (right foot).

Jump On and Off

Jumping on and off skateboards is one of the most important things to learn when you are just starting out. It might seem like a simple task, but it is actually very important for several reasons.

For one, jumping on and off of your skateboards helps you to get a feel for how the board responds to your weight and movement. This is important because it will help you to avoid wipeouts and falls when you are skating.

Jumping on and off of your skateboards also helps you to practice you to balance your body weight. This is important because you need to have good balance in order to ride your skateboards properly. If you can’t jump on and off of your skateboards without losing your balance, then you definitely need to keep practicing.

Finally, jumping on and off of your skateboards is a great way to build up the muscles in your legs and to maintain a natural stance. This is important because strong leg muscles will help you to push your skateboards faster and go longer distances.

Lean Forward and Backward

Lean Forward and Backward Happylifeguru

When you’re first learning how to skateboard, it’s important to get a feel for how your weight affects the board. The best way to do this is to practice leaning forward and backward. Here’s how you can practice it:

  • To lean forward, shift your weight onto your front foot.
  • You should feel the board start to move underneath you.
  • As you get more comfortable, you can lean further forward until you’re in a crouching position. But only more experienced skaters can do this, If you’re not so experienced or started skating and lost the skills, do not risk it.

Start Learning How to Push

Start Learning How to Push Happylifeguru

Start learning how to push and doing kick turns is so important to learn to skateboard because this is how you will gain speed and move around the skater park. You need to be able to push with one foot while the other foot is on the board. You also need to be able to practice balancing while pushing.

There are two ways to start learning how to push:

First Way

The first way is to find a spot where there is a little bit of a hill. Put your skateboards at the top of the hill and then stand on it. You might need someone to help you hold onto the skateboards at first. Put your back foot on the tail of the skateboards and your front foot in the middle of the board. Lean forward and start pushing with your back foot. You will start to move down the hill. As you gain speed, you can start to push with your front foot too.

Second Way

The second way to start learning how to push is by using a skate ramp. Find a small skate ramp and put your skateboards at the top of it. Put your back foot on the tail of the skateboard and your front foot in the middle of the board. Lean forward and start pushing with your back foot. You will start to move down the ramp. As you gain speed, you can start to push with your front foot too.

Learn to Ride Fakie

Riding fakie is how you’re skateboarding backwards. It’s a difficult skill to learn, but once you’ve mastered it, it opens up a whole new world of skating possibilities. Here are a few tips to help you learn how to ride fakie and how to maintain a fakie stance:

  • Start by riding fakie on a flat surface. This will help you get used to the feeling of skating backwards.
  • Pay attention to your body position. When you’re riding fakie, your weight should be shifted slightly back towards your heels to a slight angle.
  • Use your front foot to control your speed. This is the opposite of how you would ride if you were going forwards.
  • Practice stopping and turning around. Riding fakie can be tricky, so it’s important to be able to stop and turn around quickly if you need to.

With a little practice, you’ll be riding fakie like a pro in no time! Just remember to ride at slow speeds first and don’t get discouraged if it feels difficult. With a little patience, you’ll be skating backwards like a pro in no time.

Safety Skateboarding Tips

Safety Skateboarding Tips Happylifeguru

Here are some safety tips before skateboarding:

  • Always wear a helmet and knee pads when skateboarding.
  • Get a grip tape.
  • Make sure you are visible to traffic when skateboarding.
  • Never skate in traffic.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when skateboarding.
  • Obey all traffic laws when skateboarding.
  • Never skate on stairs or ramps.
  • Never skate without supervision.

Following these safety tips will help you avoid injuries while skateboarding. Skateboarding is a fun activity, but it is important to be safe while doing it.

Now that you know how to safely skate, get out there and enjoy yourself! Just remember to practice safety first.

Bonus Tips:

Last but not least, here are some helpful bonus tips:

  • Wear comfortable clothing that you can move around in.
  • Start with a basic board and work your way up.
  • Practice in an open, flat area (skate park).
  • Get fellow skaters to help you out with pop shove.
  • Be patient and have fun reaching your desired speed!

With these tips in mind, you’ll be skating and learning new tricks like a pro in no time!

Final Words

How To Ride A Skateboard (Beginner's Guide) Final Words Happylifeguru

There you got it, skate lovers!! We hope, you enjoyed this helpful step-by-step guide!

So, what do you have to lose? Go check our post about the best skate shoes or go to a local skate shop to buy new skate shoes! Soon we are going to talk about the best skateboards of 2022, so stay excited to find your right skateboard!

Let us know in the comments below, if this was helpful for you!

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