How to Start Running Again After a Long Break

How to Start Running Again After a Long Break Happylifeguru

It’s been a while since you’ve laced up your running shoes and hit the pavement. You used to love running, but now it seems like a chore. You’re not sure how to start running again after taking such a long break. It’s completely normal to feel this way! In this blog post, we will discuss how to start running again and how to make it fun and enjoyable. We’ll also provide tips on how to restart your running routine safely and effectively. Trust me, to run injury free, read this article! So what are you waiting for? Start reading!

Running Comeback: What Are The Best Ways to Run Again After a Few Weeks?

Now that you’ve read the boring stuff above, you are absolute ready for the exciting stuff here!

To get that running habit back, you have to know the key factors.

There are only five main factors to look for before running:

  1. create a running plan
  2. strength train
  3. take a break if you have to
  4. take rest days
  5. start from scratch

Let us directly jump in!

Create a Running Plan And Training Schedule

Create a Running Plan Happylifeguru

Creating a running plan is important because it will help you stay motivated and on track. It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see results, but if you have a plan and run regularly, you will eventually see progress. A running plan can also help you vary your workouts so you don’t get bored. And lastly, a plan will help you set realistic goals so you don’t get discouraged if you can’t run as fast or as far as you used to.

Strength Train

Strength Train Happylifeguru

You may have been told that you need to strength train if you want to be a runner. This is true, but it’s especially important if you’re starting running again after a long break. Trainings where you focus on your strength, will help you build the muscles you need to support your joints and tendons, which will in turn help you avoid injuries.

You can do bodyweight exercises, use resistance bands, or lift weights. Whichever method you choose, make sure you focus on exercises that target your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core. These are the muscles that will help you run more efficiently and avoid injury.

If you’re not sure how to get started with strength training, there are plenty of resources available online. You can find workout routines specifically designed for runners, or you can consult with a personal trainer. The important thing is to make sure you’re doing exercises that are appropriate for your level of fitness. Don’t try to do too much too soon, or you could end up injured. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as you get stronger.

By strength training, you’ll not only be less likely to get injured when you start running again, but you’ll also be able to run faster and longer. So make sure to add strength training to train your muscles tendons and decrease the risk of injury.

Take a Break if You Need To

If you’ve been out of the running game for a while, it’s important to not try and jump back into things full force. Ease yourself back into it by starting with walking or light jogging before gradually increasing your mileage and intensity. If you try to do too much too soon, you’ll only end up getting a running injury or burning yourself out. So take it slow, and give yourself some time to adjust back into a running routine.

If you’re feeling pain or fatigue, take a break or do walk breaks. It’s better to rest up and come back refreshed than to push through and risk getting injured. By heeding your body’s warning signs, you can help ensure a smooth and successful return to running.

So, wrapping it up, don’t overestimate you and don’t do half marathon runs.

Take Rest Days

Take Rest Days Happylifeguru

It’s important to take rest days when you’re trying to start running again after a long break. Resting days allow your body to recover from the stress of running and help to prevent injuries. When you’re first starting out, it’s best to take one or two resting days per week. More experienced runners can increase the number of resting days to three or four per week.

Tips for Taking Resting Days

  • Make sure to still be active on your resting days. Resting days are a great time to cross-train. This can include activities like swimming, biking, or strength training.
  • Listen to your body. If you’re feeling particularly sore or tired, take an extra day of rest.
  • Use resting days as a chance to focus on your nutrition. Make sure you’re eating healthy foods and staying hydrated. This will help your body recover from your runs and be ready for your next one.

Taking days where you rest is an important part of any runner’s training plan. By taking one or two resting days per week, you’ll be able to recover from your runs and avoid injuries. Make sure to still be active on your resting days by doing some cross-training. And listen to your body to know when you need an extra day of rest.

Start From Scratch to Get Back Into Running

Getting back into running is much easier with starting from scratch. If you’ve been out of the running game for a while, it’s absolutely important to start from scratch. This means gradually increasing your mileage and intensity over time. You can’t just jump back into things and expect to perform at the same level as you did before. Your body needs time to adjust and build up its endurance again.

Final Words

How to Start Running Again After a Long Break Final Words Happylifeguru

There you have it, comeback runners!

If this post wasn’t helpful, I highly recommend you to go to a physical therapist or exercise physiologist.

And as we talked in the post before, you can also with a running group!

And never forget, weight loss is a long-term thing. That means you can’t lose weight of 10 kilos from one day to the next. So create a running plan and a running schedule!

Make sure to get the right gear. So what are you waiting for? Stop waiting and buy the best neutral running shoes!

Let us know in the comments below, if this post was helpful!


How to Start Running Again After a Long Break FAQ Happylifeguru

What Is Cross Train?

This is any type of physical activity that you do to improve your fitness level, even if it’s not running. This can include activities like swimming, biking, or strength training. Cross training is a great way to stay active on your resting days and help improve your overall fitness level.

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David Wilson

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